Digital recording and playback systems create a more accurate analog waveform at playback than analog recording and playback systems.On paper yes theoretically...By Fourier transform...But the real event for the ears take place in a concrete recording room and after that in a concrete specific listening room...
These 2 concrete rooms are different and only the human ears can decide in which format with many choices of embeddings controls in each room he will prefer for his recognition of the timbre event...The theory of signals cannot decide if my electronics components and their embeddings are right or wrong to recreate the experience of timbre perception...It is also the ears who chose where to put the mic...
Then it is of no avail to condemn all analog systems versus digital system...
Too many variables to condemn all people sticking to their analog system....
By the way i concede that your post was not adressed to me....i take it too personally... 😊😁😊