Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"

Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"

I am sharing this for those with an interest. I no longer have vinyl, but I find the issues involved in the debates to be interesting. This piece raises interesting issues and relates them to philosophy, which I know is not everyone's bag. So, you've been warned. I think the philosophical ideas here are pretty well explained -- this is not a journal article. I'm not advocating these ideas, and am not staked in the issues -- so I won't be debating things here. But it's fodder for anyone with an interest, I think. So, discuss away!
Digital recording and playback systems create a more accurate analog waveform at playback than analog recording and playback systems.
On paper yes theoretically...By Fourier transform...But the real event for the ears take place in a concrete recording room and after that in a concrete specific listening room...

These 2 concrete rooms are different and only the human ears can decide in which format with many choices of embeddings controls in each room he will prefer for his recognition of the timbre event...The theory of signals cannot decide if my electronics components and their embeddings are right or wrong to recreate the experience of timbre perception...It is also the ears who chose where to put the mic...

Then it is of no avail to condemn all analog systems versus digital system...

Too many variables to condemn all people sticking to their analog system....

By the way i concede that your post was not adressed to me....i take it too personally... 😊😁😊

Ok how much data is stored on 30 inches of 1/4" tape in ONE SECOND? In the digital domain? I’m waiting?

Tap Tap Tap.. That is my foot tapping... Arms are crossed. Tooth pick is flying all over. First to the left and then to the right.. Now I’m pointing with my tooth pick.. that’s a bad sign... :-)

Come on you smart guys...HOW MUCH... What if the tape was 1/2" wide or 1" or 2"... No there is a LOT more information there than you think...

Think BIGGER.... Think Analog!! MUCH BIGGER...

So there... I’m right your all wrong.... Besides this is no fun...

One is better...NO its not Vinyl...No it’s not digital....

Geez..’s IT’S Reel to Reel... NO SHI@ rookies...

LOL oh LOL, I’ll drink another.... Pass this please...  I can brag on too.... Geez, makes my head hurt.

WE are listing to reel to reel. YES... much better than BOTH...

Timbre that! Are you guys musicians by chance? Aught to be, to hear you talk... As I play my violin, mouth harp, snap symbol and BASS at the same time playing "Stairway to Heaven"

BTW can’t read a note.. I hear it, I can hum it, I can play it... BRAG BRAG BRAG... sure get old...

Happy new years...
No, not theoretically, absolutely and by every practical measure including our ears. You are taking preference and substituting it for accuracy, and no you can't make that judgment in absence of knowing that the original sounds like which would be the rarest of cases that people do.

On paper yes theoretically...By Fourier transform...But the real event for the ears take place in a concrete recording room and after that in a concrete specific listening room...

I have no preference... I chose digital for his immense practicality... It take me time to make it sound "analog" like....I succeed...

I cannot have 10,000 vinyl in my house... 😁

I hate the obligation to change the faces of the vinyl...

My last vinyl was popping after 2 listening...I throw it ....

I only refuse to assimilate all timbre recognition being the same in all cases and conditions and circonstances, invoking only signals theory....
Timbre naturalness perception is linked to many factors and cannot be reduced to an alleged vinyl or digital superiority... That is my point.... Anyway all the audio chain is a mix of analog and digital elements...

No dac beat all turntables, and no turntables beat all dacs in ALL rooms for all ears whatsoever...

By the way blind test are limited in what they can prove....Our link to some specific circonstances and environment for the identification of timbre make these test not completely decisive by principle...In my own room and with my system i can detect easily some aspect of sound i will be unable to identify in a new blind test environment...All identification processes are a learning process connected to an environmentally based usual living experience....

Happy new year...