I had asked once, but did not buy then,...so a headphone question..

What have you owned and liked in headphones under 200 dollars and under 100 dollars.  Thanks.  Have a good New Year's holiday. 

They look like a toy i know... FOSTEX TH7-b

But under 100 bucks nothing can beat them, and even under 500 bucks some dont beat them on all counts... I own them....Their rendering of timbre is very good....Non fatiguing....Read the reviews...

i own 7 headphone pairs: 2 Stax electroacoustic, 2 magneplanar a hifiman and a Fostex T10, 2 dynamic, aKG 701 and a beyerdynamic T990, an hybrid legend the AKG 340...

I listen to none now, my speakers rightfully embed after 2 years of experiments beat them all on all counts....

Grado if you like a musical sound. Hard to beat in all the price ranges.  
Under $100 Sony MDR-V6. Same as 7506.
Bright on top but good monitors.
Unlike Grado, they are built to last. 30 years only pad flakes.
I really like the Audio Technica ATH-M50X.  They seem to garner excellent reviews also.