What's your "buy one of these and get it re-tipped" cartridge suggestion for a DL103 fan?

I have a microline retipped DL103 and I'm thinking of getting another cartridge. I have a 103 C1 that I may send away but I'm looking for other suggestions. Are there obtainable gems out there that I'm not aware of? 
I'm interested in this thread as I'm a Denon DL-103 fan myself. That thing has a really good generator in it, takes well to upgrades.That said, there are some folks in here that will tell you that it's stupid to put any money into a cart as lowly as the DL-103 and your better off buying a more upscale cart. Well, I have several DL-103 carts, one stock, a DL-103 in a wood body with a hyper elliptical and a DL-103S with a fine elliptical. Sitting on the sidelines waiting are a DL-103D and a DL-103R that need to go to Steve at VAS as well. The most I have ever paid for any variant of a DL-103 with a damaged or missing cantilever is 80 bucks. So even if you dump another couple of hundred into it, it's way less than any comparable cart. Plus the undeniable fact that the DL-103 is such a musical cart and retains that trait through various upgrades.

I've acquired an Audio Musikraft shell that uses the DL-103 or 103R.  There are multiple versions - I bought the bronze shell that weighs 21 gm. It's one of the best sounding Denon mods I have come across - in fact it's made the Stereophile Class A list for the last couple of years. All good things come at a price though, but if your table/arm can handle the weight, it's definitely worth it IMO. It truly brings out the capability of the Denon - it can give some of the higher end carts a run for their money. I look at it as an investment - no need to wait for lengthy retips anymore.  

More info below. Not affiliated with Audio Musikraft - just a satisfied customer.

The "Tunable" Audio MusiKraft Denon DL-103 Phonograph Cartridge (positive-feedback.com)

First Series Cartridges - Audio MusiKraft
@rdk777 Thanks but this is the kind of outlay I’m trying to get away from. I’m looking for great sounding reasonably priced cartridges to retip. A neighbor  mention the Yamaha MC1. Going to do some research on that....
I did something like this, buying a Shure V15 Type IV with no stylus and replacing it with a JICO SAS.  I think it was a little over $300 all-in.