What's your "buy one of these and get it re-tipped" cartridge suggestion for a DL103 fan?

I have a microline retipped DL103 and I'm thinking of getting another cartridge. I have a 103 C1 that I may send away but I'm looking for other suggestions. Are there obtainable gems out there that I'm not aware of? 
I've acquired an Audio Musikraft shell that uses the DL-103 or 103R.  There are multiple versions - I bought the bronze shell that weighs 21 gm. It's one of the best sounding Denon mods I have come across - in fact it's made the Stereophile Class A list for the last couple of years. All good things come at a price though, but if your table/arm can handle the weight, it's definitely worth it IMO. It truly brings out the capability of the Denon - it can give some of the higher end carts a run for their money. I look at it as an investment - no need to wait for lengthy retips anymore.  

More info below. Not affiliated with Audio Musikraft - just a satisfied customer.

The "Tunable" Audio MusiKraft Denon DL-103 Phonograph Cartridge (positive-feedback.com)

First Series Cartridges - Audio MusiKraft
@rdk777 Thanks but this is the kind of outlay I’m trying to get away from. I’m looking for great sounding reasonably priced cartridges to retip. A neighbor  mention the Yamaha MC1. Going to do some research on that....
I did something like this, buying a Shure V15 Type IV with no stylus and replacing it with a JICO SAS.  I think it was a little over $300 all-in.
I started with a stock 103 for $229.

I read about the various tweaks WRT aluminum/wood head-shell mods and learned what made each one work.

After some thought - I then applied a simple DIY mod of my own...

For $12.50 - it was a no brainer, but it was one of the most rewarding improvements I have made in my entire system.

I then purchased a Soundsmith Modified 103 (around $600) - with the O.C Contact Line stylus on a Ruby Cantilever. Again, I applied the Brass plate to this cartridge - it has been in my system ever since.

Since that upgrade, I have replaced my amp with a much better model and replaced all of my cables - and the 103 kept pace with those two upgrades and really show off just how good it really is !
- I have no thoughts of replacing it

I still have my original 103 with the spherical stylus - but that will get the re-tipping treatment when the existing one shows signs of wear.

My arm is an Audiomods Series III, which uses a Rega arm tube, so some additional mass on the cartridge was really needed - the brass plate proved to be perfect.

One person commented that I could have simply added some weight, but that would have dome nothing to stiffen up the case of the 103 like epoxying the brass plate did.

A lot has been said about the 103 and lots of people believe there are better options available. But after my mods i can see why so many people tweak this cartridge.

The only "gripe" I have with the Soundsmith O.C Contact Line stylus is that it requires EXTREME PRECISION to set it up properly, so you really NEED a mirrored protractor and if possible - a very young set of eyes to get it right.

For my next stylus upgrade, I might settle for a Shibata stylus, which might not be as PICKY with the setup. But taking that route - I might have to live with a little less detail - but I’m okay with that also.

I find the Denon 103 to be one of the most enjoyable and musical cartridges I have tried and re-tipping a standard 103 is - the icing on a very nice cake!

Hope that helps

Regards - Steve

Are there obtainable gems out there that I'm not aware of?

Of course there are, but you did not mention the budget.