Subwoofer for nearfield Omega Compact Alnico Monitors setup

I just purchased the Omega CAMs and I'm driving them directly out of the RCA output of my Chord Dave.
The room is around 16sqm (172sqft) and 4m (13ft) high.
The speakers are 1.2m (4ft) from each other and from the listening position and 20cm (8inch) from the wall.

The speakers sound truly fantastic, I could describe them like bigger Utopia headphones but with much more soundstage depth and less bass.
I can't say they are too lean, the bass is there, tight and precise, just perfect for Folk Music, Jazz and even classic Rock.
But obviously moving to EDM (yes, I'm quite eclectic on the genres...) you feel that there is something missing.

I've been reading a lot about the benefits of adding a sub to a stereo setup and would like to give it a go.
I am considering subs for monitoring like Yamaha SH8S and JBL LSR310S (also because they have an XLR in which would be perfect as I would connect them to the XLR out of the DAVE).
However there is plenty of more commercial solutions (like REl, SVS etc...) and I can't figure out which direction to take.

I'm looking for a SUB that will blend in the sound of the monitors without becoming too aggressive (music ONLY, no HT for God's sake!).

Any suggestion or comment will be welcome.
Omega also makes subs. I have their DeepHemp 8 paired with Super 3i Monitors. Perfect match. I would recommend having a chat with Louis.
the bass will certainly blossom. it is an exercise in patience w omega loudspeakers. 
Yeah I am considering the DeepHemp 8 but before deciding if I want a sub or not I wanted to try something more palatable wallet wise.
@jmolsberg why you say it's an exercise in patience with omega laudspeakers?