Humans are not reducible to numbers....Or apparatus...
Perception of timbre is a subjerctive/objective complex problem...
Reducing it to Nyquist theorem is ridiculous...
She also think so...
His article was not INTENDED to be for specialist then repeating that there is no new information there is bad faith...
His own human experience is speaking in the article intended for ordinary people and it is interesting and well put... and i cite his article because being a mathematician she knows about Nyquist theorem which only imply elementary mathematic for a mathematician by the way and ordinary people here who dont embark in any boat may be interested to read that....
By the way you quit the last time why are you coming back?
To critic for incompetence a general public article?
If someone is incompetent it is me by the way, not her.... Then be direct and candide and said so... Do not zig zag and said untruthful thing about someone who is not only competent but humanly modest in an intended GENERAL public article..... I am not fond of distorted argument...