Humans are not reducible to numbers....Or apparatus...
Perception of timbre is a subjerctive/objective complex problem...
Reducing it to Nyquist theorem is ridiculous...
She also think so...
No, this is what she says.
But the limitations of math in replicating reality may factor in to the difference in listening experiences reported by so many vinyl lovers.
And guess what. She is NOT qualified to say that. The limitations of math have nothing to do with the problem. It is purely implementation which she appears quite ingnorant about. She shows virtually no practical knowledge on the subject (not even a good theoretical understanding).
When it comes to storing sound as a digital file, however, the limited capacity of computers is a problem. Sound waves contain an infinite number of points. Computers cannot store infinite amounts of information.
And in this statement she just shows herself to be yet another academic trying to look smart outside her area of expertise.
Infinite points implies infinite bandwidth and infinite signal to noise. You assume she understands Nyquist but I posit she has as best cursory knowledge. It's not standard curriculum for mathematics. Ditto likely ignorant w.r.t Shannon's theorem.
You are interpretating what you want to and assigning expertise where no actual evidence of it exists.