A New Year's Thank You to Audiogon Members....

I know we all have our stories that connect to the current times.  I am not alone, but wanted to share.  I have family and friends in dangerous areas and professions exacerbated by the current Covid crisis.  My eldest son is in metro L.A. and a friends daughter is an M.D. in NYC working with some of the population at the highest risk for Covid. 

I want to thank all, and I do mean all, members for the generally civil threads/posts/discussions about this major luxury we share, hi-end audio.  The comfort of this site is greatly appreciated and a part of what is generally civil behavior.  

I wish everyone the best for the New Year in this uncertain, overpopulated world. 

I've thought about this aspect of our hobby at length. Specifically, having a nice stereo rig is helpful when under lockdowns or work from home or whatnot. 

Also that Agon here is pretty great for sharing tips & tricks & reviews. And my '21 resolution, for this site, is to report any comment I see deviating away from opinion stuff into personal attacks. Bully types will be bounced out of here by the admins. I encourage others to monitor the civility stuff & click report when in doubt. Let's keep these forums friendly. 
Happy New Year! 
Let's make a 2021 resolution to post your audio system in Virtual Systems so we can see what you're made off. 😉
I certainly hope everyone is safe and not in harms way. Will certsinly rest well now, knowing @zufan  is on the job and walking the beat. Enjoy the music
Sarcasm isn't reportable. Typos may be, though. 

Let's all stay vigilant.