Speakers choice with Octave v80se

I am currently using Octave v80se which have KT150x4 with Super Black Box. (https://octave.de/en/htdocs/verstaerker/v80se.php) My listening area is 10ft x 18ft and  I would like to purchase new speaker. The below are my choices
1. Wilson Audio SabrinaX
2. Avalon PM1
3. Focal Sopra N2
4. Others
Any comments are appreciated
I have the V70SE with Tyler Acoustics MM5's and it sounds really good to me.
I would also add Duevel to the speaker mix. My Venus work great with the V70SE integrated. The Bella Luna would be quite wonderful as well.

Probably quite a few possibilities, it is more up to your ears and experiences/preferences.
I own the Octave V80se and the Sabrina’s and couldn’t be any happier. I did audition the Focal Sopra 2’s as well but I liked it with the Sabrina’s more. Not a fan of the Avalon’s. I like Dynaudio’s, I had a couple of models including the C1’s. The Octave sounds good with them but I find it too smooth and laid back. I much prefer solid state with Dynaudio’s. Moon works well.