Aside from your personal likes dislikes in speakers the main advantage of Highly efficient speakers (> 95 dB with 1 watt at 1 meter) is the greater dynamics that can be achieved. Doubling the power of your amplifier will only give you a 3Db gain in SPL. Lets take a look at the power requirements for a couple of speakers, Setting the max SPL at 116 Db. the B&W 603 S2 is rated at 88.5 DB @ 1 watt input. To produce 116 Db you will need a 1Kw amp. My old Altec A7-500's are rated at 103 Db at 1 watt and can Produce 116 dB with a little over 16 watts. To my ear this is why some speakers sound muted/sluggish on rim shots and other sounds that require fast response.
disclaimer the math is approximant but close. My personal system uses a set of speakers that are rated at 84dB at 1 watt and my power amp is rated at 1Kw RMS and tests to 1.1 Kw/channel both channels operating.. I can only say that switching from a MC2100 to the larger amp was like cleaning a dirty windshild and bass is tight as a drum pun intended.
disclaimer the math is approximant but close. My personal system uses a set of speakers that are rated at 84dB at 1 watt and my power amp is rated at 1Kw RMS and tests to 1.1 Kw/channel both channels operating.. I can only say that switching from a MC2100 to the larger amp was like cleaning a dirty windshild and bass is tight as a drum pun intended.