What fun to remember
Speakers: JSE Infinite Slope, Model II. The only speakers I heard at audio shows I liked as much as the ones I had and use now. They were/are the most accurate speakers I ever owned.
Preamp and Amp: McIntosh SS C28; McIntosh SS MC2250.
TT, none, solidly in the ’cd’s perfect forever’ world. (Thorens TD124/SMe on a shelf downstairs).
CD: Onyko, dual matched burr brown processors
Cassette: Onkyo, their high end dual deck. Prior to CD I made lots of recordings from LP’s, now played them and made Cassettes to give away from CDs
8 Track. Just kept it, it was a gift from Columbia House, I had designed their offices.
R2R: vintage 2 Track Stereo with 2 Track Stereo Tapes (no 4 track yet)
Equipment Rack: Same one I have now
Then: Plants only on top of the Rack (I promised Donna she could have the top for plants when we bought the rack).
All equipment on 2 shelves below, a bit inconvenient, but
Speakers in the same corners as now.
On 4 wheels as per OEM design. Easy to adjust, push back when big party. Changed to 3 wheels, more weight per wheel.
Current speakers, even heavier, 3 wheels, hard to move even on wheels.
Location Now: to keep my word, but get 4 pieces stacked on the top shelf, I bought some trays, put felt on the bottom, put them on top of equipment, I still do that. Gotta trust her. I keep one tray of plants on top of cassette that doesn’t move, and one tray that stays/moves from the TT when current 4 track R2R in use, moves to R2R when TT in use.
New deep glass shelf for JVC big plinth.
How many of you would trust the wifey to water plants on your equipment?
Plants can be seen here