Tube Preamp to go with Bryston SST2 amp and Magnepan 1.7i speakers

Hello, I'm looking for a good tube preamp to go with a Bryston SST2 amp and Magnepan 1.7i speakers.  My budget is $2000-3000.  I like to listen to a wide range of music, from Dire Straits to Blues to Jazz. I have my stereo in a medium sized room, and listen at moderate levels.

Thanks for your input!
To follow up, I have his Special 6SN7 preamp. The latest version of the Special runs $3250. The one I aforementioned can be made to accommodate the 6SN7 tube as well I believe.   
@snesvold I,m curious also about the recomendations you get, as I also have a 4bsst2  which i use with the Bryston Bp25, before i used a ARC Ls7 which is an entry level pre amp with only rca,s and was kind of lean, i  much prefer the bryston preamp.  You should probably decide if you need only rca,s in,s and out,s or if you need Xlr,s balanced .  Lots of choices out there.
rogue audio rp 5. warm, smooth, burnished and dynamic.
sounds great with stock low cost tubes.  deals are to be had.


I never owned anything using 6sn7. I had to replace 6sn7 in my Cayin amp, It was surprising how much difference in sound the replacements were. My first choice: bad. The Cayin went from wonderful to lifeless. Brent Jesse let me exchange them for ones I much prefer.

Just saying, it’s a tube to research, find reliable descriptions of differences, buy from a source that will allow return, if a new amp, ask OEM about options if any. ...

I imagine they would be very good in a preamp, especially with your preferred 6sn7

Would I be crazy to decide to go with a Bryston Preamp, rather than a tube preamp (I know, I suggested I only wanted to go with a tube preamp in the title.  Sorry to be waffling)?  It looks like a couple of people here, and some other places suggest that you will get better synergy that way. What are peoples thoughts, pros and cons?