What genre tends to be recorded in the most satisfying fashion?

I vote for Fado and string quartets. Of course this is a fairly meaningless generalization, but I'n curious about what anyone else thinks.
I think that solo instrument or solo voice are....My favorite are piano which is difficult to record but is very satisfying when it is did in the right way...

If i understand your inquiry rightfully you dont ask for our taste...Then anything more than a solo instrument or solo voice will more difficult to record....I own some one microphone cd with few instrument that are very satisfying....

In general classical is better recorded , and some contemporary jazz....Some pop were too....

The truth is that there exist very good recording, in any genre....
Do you mean "sounds better than other genres when in recorded form"? or "has had the most care expended on the recording process"?  If it's the first, I've always thought (with no evidence, of course), that part of the "early music" or "original music" or "historically-informed performance" trend in the 80s and 90s was supported in large part because that sound was ... let's call it 'most striking' in early digital recordings.  The early cd's of these groups sounded worlds better than many of the routine muddy and careless vinyl recordings they replaced.