electrostats vs ribbon drivers

i think the electrostats , in general, come closer to timbral accuracy than any speaker with a ribbon driver.

what do you think ?

in fact i think some full range ribbons are a bit hot in the treble.
I think you're bored and trying to be controversial. Silly in any type of generalization.
100% disagree shows poster is biased threads not looking for input just searching for validation of posters choice of electrostatics.
Mrtennis, you go to great lengths to further ruin your reputation in this forum....
I have owned several pairs of electrostats and they can also sound very hot up top. I have owned several pairs of Martin Logans before I bought my first ribbon speakers a pair of Magnepan 2.7 and they blew away the Martin Logan's at 4 times the retail price of the 2.7s. I would have not bought the Magnepans but friend was in desperate need of money so I bought them and was pleasantly surprised. I have owned several pairs of Magnepans through out the years but now I have a pair of Speakers built by Rich Murry of True Soundworks that are like Apogee Duetta Signatures but all made from scratch and these are the best Ribbon speakers I have heard. I am not saying the best I am just saying "The Best I Have Heard"
i have ownend two different versions of magnepans and listened to many others at shows . i have heard the analysis speakers at shows and also at the importer's house. i used tubes on the maggies.

i have many ribbons at shows and have found the treble sounded elevated.

i have speakers with ribbon tweeters and again, i found them peaky.

i will admit that it is my ears and my opinion..

others may differ.

i realize in this hobby there is much contention about the sound of stereo systems, so i suspect there will be disagreement with my premise.