Mágico M6 vs Big Wilson speakers

Is there anyone out there that owns or has personal experience with the Magico M6 speaker. I’m mainly interested in owners or people intimately familiar with them and can compare or articulate  the major differences between these and the big Wilsons in the same price category. Assuming all the best electronics available. Please let’s go with the assumption that both companies are great companies  not looking for negative comments on companies etc. Any opinions are greatly appreciated. Thankyou.
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Erik_squires. Thank you or your response this is exactly the kind of info I’m looking for. Much appreciated. 
You are welcome, Carey1110
Please come back and find me, I'm curious what you decide on.
Carey1110 at this price point I would also throw the Rockport Lyra into the mix. It has possibly the best cabinet construction of all three at this price point. I have heard a pair of M6 with a pair of Q18 subs but not on their own. They are all great speakers it is about taste. If at all possible audition. I don't know of any dealer that has both wilson and magico. There are a few that carry magico and Rockport though. 
I've listened to magico and I find that beryllium tweeter bright but that's just me I really love the monitor audio platinums that AMT tweeter is so sweet and natural sounding and as far as I'm concerned the monitor audio platinum are better than both the magico and Wilson especially. And there are big platinum 500s are only $30,000 and they will sound as good or better than anything magical or Wilson making the $80 to $100,000 range. I've heard all of them and the platinums are just more warm and natural and realistic sounding.
I knows there's Covid and all, but.

At this price range scheduling demos with dealers even if it means quick flights to and from different cities may be very worthwhile. Plane tix aren't much compared with the price of the speakers. Just so you can be sure you make the right decision.

At this price range you are in Stenheim / Zellaton territory. Why not get the best?
If a slightly less real sound is desired, I'd still go with Focal Utopia over Magico or Wilson. 

Between those two, I have been consistently more impressed with Magico, at the upper and lower ends. Magico captures a very real sound in the right setups, which in my cases were at dealerships. Wilson to me is too friendly and not real enough.