Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
I’m not sure which of my incendiary words took this thread into such a dark dark place so quickly. Was it craziness, Axpona, free drinks, stay safe, or friends? Perhaps it’s the fact the bar is on the second floor. How this turned political on comment number one is mind blowing. To say I’m shocked may be the understatement of the year. 

100 posts01-08-2021 6:08am

I have seen some obnoxious things said on this site but @jeffvegas makes MC look like a rookie in insults.”

This post from @dadork struck pretty is fighting back for his crown 😂
Infinite Einstein MC

´´ Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. ´´
It’s a political posting, in the op itself, even if the op did not realize it.

Like accidentally talking about poisoned rats on a cat forum. whoops!

The problem for many is the DNA aspect of the force/offered vaccine. (mRNA, IIRC)

It’s not a vaccine, it requires being stored at -90C, minimum, without a second’s drop below that.

Instead of making us immune, it’s supposed to... alter our DNA. (Havard Medical link)

It’s like opening the door and welcoming in Lucifer himself. And, please note, I’m not even remotely religious, but I see it that way, for all the right reasons. Do not open that door.

As once that door is open, they can put anything in there. Including a complete re-write of humans, period. So humanity goes out with a whimper, oblivious to the fact that it used to be something else.

That is the huge giant monstrous gorilla sitting in the middle of the room, on this whole thing.

It is not a vaccine, it is an alteration of humans that is genetically passed down.

I, for one, am not ’up’ with the idea of forced genetic changes upon us..the public... all coming from giant global corporations that are in league with national governments and global political organizations that they support and create.

Like any of those three are any friends of any single human or group. I mean, really.....

So MC’s post, is not some off the wall conspiracy post, it’s a human alert post. Wake up, please. This is more serious than anything you’ve ever dealt with in your entire life. This moment and time defines that life.

Essentially...that all moments before and all history that has passed, has nothing at all - on this moment and time, and what is going on in it. See it for what it is. This is the biggest potential fork in humanity that has happened since the dawn of human existence, for one.

It’s about having a backdrop to be able to be who you are and have a forum and have your children not be DNA modified by major corporations in cahoots with governments.

Eg, Moderena itself admits that it is not a vaccine they are looking to inject into you.

That it is an ’operating system’. Think about that for a few minutes hours or days. Please.

You are being forced into a gauntlet where the exit sign is poised over a doorway where the passing though makes you a commodity in all of the senses and ways possible to imagine.

Germany, for example, is looking to quietly go after the sputnik vaccine and have pushed back the Pfizer vaccine.

They don’t want altered humans for a population.