What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.

Jimminy crickets, No everyone, I have not heard them and would never give them that honor. I could make a pair in about 1 hour but do not like wasting my time. Daveyf if you think they make your system sound better, that is the power of psycho acoustics for you. Why the heck would I want to dissipate energy after spending so much money to make as much energy as I possibly can? EMF detrimental? With the system cranked to 95 dB I can not hear my wife pull in in the 911, the refrigerator, the washing machine, the HVAC, my daughter on the elliptical trainer and my whole house buzzing. I would think all that would be more detrimental to sound quality than EMF which has ZERO effect on biological systems such as us. Unfortunately, cell phones do not cause brains to rot. We'll have to come up with something else.
Audio2design, I really enjoy your posts but IMHO you are just too politically correct. Call a spade lug a spade lug. The only change is sound quality these things make is the rattle they make with the floor. You can patent anything by the way. It does not have to work.  

@mijostyn Thank you for TELLING me what i hear and don't hear in my system...I am off this thread now,  nothing to be gained here!
Have to agree, don't think you can top a $2,000 fuse for silly, but gee, I have to respect the chutzpah to extract money from willing victims like that.

"Reactivation" occurs all the time. When you play music the compression waves which start from the shear motion of the speaker drivers becomes a compression wave to be heard. The sounds we hear are from all the objects and the room boundaries themselves. The motion in and on those objects move, that is shear. The shear motion in solid objects is what modulates the air. The air molecules lay on top of these objects that move and vibrate and that motion of air is how we hear.  (compression waves) ..Like the seismic energy of the Earth all the materials above ground have particles that can be and are in constant motion. The air that lays across those vastly different solid particles (lead vs steel vs wood)  is activated by the density and shape of those objects even when the air is at rest on them. Even if you think they are not moving they are. The walls the carpet the wood floors the Hallograph they are all always in motion and they always react in conjunction with all of the others. Glass and wool sound different because of their shear velocity and density. Wooly sound..glassy sound, tinny sound, leaden sound all describe the sound we hear when these and other materials are struck by shear waves and the resulting compression waves.  

Patent pending is a form designed to protect the inventors ideas before the actual patent is granted. I could not find a patent pending application. A problem with a patent or pending patent is full disclosure which means some or all parts of a patent can be copied or changed or litagated.  So you need deep pockets to protect yourself from both copies being made on shore as well as overseas. Shakti probably was conflicted as to keep or disclose materials and methods to build their product. 
I know the Argent Rooms Lens were copied and maybe never patented. Bud Purvine of the EnABL process gave up on trying to enforce his patent and just let the masses run with it and benefit themselves.
Everyone has their own method of reasoning on these matters.