Acoustic Zen Adagio Speakers?

Looking to audition a pair of these in the LI area. Anybody? The overwhelming positive chatter that I read on line, wether from professional reviewers, or private owners, caught my attention!
Thank you for your time.

I heard them at a dealer a few years back, I wanted to be blown away. I recall being underwhelmed, they were very polite with compressed dynamics. I recall the dealer saying something about the "under-hung voice coil." Next to them were a pair of Dali's...Whatevere is the model that's about the same size, I beieve the Ikon. They had low end, slam, great vocals. Def. more of a rock speaker...Those Merlins are awesome, man. I think you'll miss the imaging if you trade them in for the Zen's.

I'm not trading anything away, like you, I want to experience the Zen experience. Those speakers have received tremendous accolades from professionals, and private owners.
Just need to satisfy my curiosity.

To trade in my MX, would mean to start all over again! Everything in my system, is catered to them.

The best I've used. They are also implemented in my amp, the ARS Sonum Filarmonia. Simply, a single knob tightens both leads of the connected cable at the same time, without tools. Works best with spades.
I think Clearsound Audio in Patchogue carries the AZ line--I know I heard the Creshendos over there. Give Neil a buzz, he's a nice guy.