Acoustic Zen Adagio Speakers?

Looking to audition a pair of these in the LI area. Anybody? The overwhelming positive chatter that I read on line, wether from professional reviewers, or private owners, caught my attention!
Thank you for your time.


The best I've used. They are also implemented in my amp, the ARS Sonum Filarmonia. Simply, a single knob tightens both leads of the connected cable at the same time, without tools. Works best with spades.
I think Clearsound Audio in Patchogue carries the AZ line--I know I heard the Creshendos over there. Give Neil a buzz, he's a nice guy.

I have been in touch with Neil, and I've been to his place twice to listen to I believe a pair of Sonist speakers.
Real nice guy.
I've listened to them and PMC: both t-line designs. The PMCs I've heard were the latest FB, OB, and PBs.

I like PMC better. To my ears the PMCs have more detail and more punch.