Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Question for miller, since you work in the medical field, did you take your vaccine when offered or did you refuse it, you know, since its all a grand communist conspiracy to take over the world. So honestly, yes or no?
I'm in the healthcare field as well and I took the vaccine. My second dose is due next week. I had no reservations getting it. Our hospital is in overdrive with double the amount of cases we had over the summer. It's really bad---stay safe!

But for many men and women there are hard choices to be made. One is to lose one’s house, food, means to support one’s kids, and possibly live out of a car if lucky. The other is to go back to work and risk dying from Covid-19 or infecting someone else, but being able to shelter and feed the family and kids.

What kind of person on Earth is not aware enough to understand both sides of the dilemma?

I would be happy to have a drink with you and anyone willing to see the human stakes involved in what we’re going through. Those who indulge conspiracy theories about our situation or telling those of us who have lost loved ones or seen friends and family made destitute by this situation are not people I will drink or break bread with. Hopefully, Axpona will have two bars.

The last few months have surely kicked my butt! I got the COVID on Thanksgiving, wound up in the hospital for five days. Two days after I got out, I could not pee. My wife drove me to the ER. They took over one liter of fluid out of me. I was on a indwelling catheter for a solid month before they took me off of it. That was 30 days of hell. Now I am in line to get the next procedure which could take months. I'm going to the bathroom on my own right now so I feel like the luckiest man alive. On the up side, we both a new house. It has a nine foot deep basement where I can put my audio room. It will be at least 22 feet long by 18 foot wide and 9 foot high. Life is good! Hang in there guys! Joe