Mágico M6 vs Big Wilson speakers

Is there anyone out there that owns or has personal experience with the Magico M6 speaker. I’m mainly interested in owners or people intimately familiar with them and can compare or articulate  the major differences between these and the big Wilsons in the same price category. Assuming all the best electronics available. Please let’s go with the assumption that both companies are great companies  not looking for negative comments on companies etc. Any opinions are greatly appreciated. Thankyou.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xcarey1110
Just get the MAGICO M9s only 750k be a sport.Let us know how GREAT they are.HELLO!!
Before you spend money on Wilsons or Magicos you should at least listen to Magnepan 20.7's and Sound Lab 845's. 
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Something else to also consider...I have owned large speakers, such as Dunlavy SC-5’s, Dynaudio C4’ and ML and Maggies.  Certainly the box designs have the hardest job of getting out of their own way acoustically speaking.  Being able to establish a well defined soundstage with precise image placement is more challenging than with a full range, more compact speaker.