Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
This, so far, has been the most entertaining thread I have read in five years of reading here. Bravo! posters, you have a thread of 4 pages (so far) and haven’t talked about audio once (unless you count the acronym AXPONA).
MC has shown his true colors and needs to get laid. Hat ID doesn’t work. Covid-19 is bad. The communists are coming. The inoculations do/don’t work. And you’re all a bunch of drunks. :) I prefer the herb myself.
"And you’re all a bunch of drunks. :)"
"All" is a little stretch here, to say the least. Not everyone expressed interest in alcoholic beverages. Some even mentioned they would not have them.

"Hat ID doesn’t work."

Nobody implied that, so far. I implied that Facial ID may not work on hats.

Otherwise, check "Talk but not walk" thread from within last five years. It is way more diverse than this one. Kim Jong Un, Karl Marx (I think, but I may be wrong as he comes up every now and then in different threads), and many more make their appearance there.

Talk but not walk? | Audiogon Discussion Forum
Told you once before
And I won't tell you no more
Get down, get down, get down
You're a bad dog, baby
But I still want you around

I am sorry I offended you. You may not have noticed the little smiley face I left (I don't know how to get an emoji). You're not all drunks, some take water (and Shirley Temples) (and Roy Rogers) (and Trigger) like me. Just having a little fun on this fun thread. Am I not allowed?
They'll get Hat ID working pretty soon.

I'm glad you didn't take everything I said as offensive. I respect you tooo much to have you angry at little 'ol me.

Have an extra three fingers for me and relax...... (not my middle finger though, please. I need it.)
I trust everyone until they prove themselves untrustworthy. A much happier way to go through life. I’m sorry for you.
You seems a very good soul tuberculin, i apologize for my misunderstanding of you....

But just a word to say that banning someone is not a solution in general....

My best to you.....