CD-player for $1100 - Can I do any better?

I was looking to upgrade my CD-player and my budget is limited to $1100.

So far, researching, I found out three players that worth considering:
- Marantz SA-17 S1
- Arcam CD23
- Unison Research Unico

Can I do any better for $1100? Cary 308T for instance?

I have no experience with the squeezebox at all, though I can tell you that the PC based system is as good if not better in many respests that a single disk system cannot surpass. Those of which I listed above. As for sound quality, I prefer the PC based system.
Tonyptony - There are several great threads here on PC audio. Also, Audioengr (Steve Nugent from Empirical Audio) is an expert in this area and has excellent information on his website. I suggest you check this out. I heard a couple of Squeezebox set-ups at RMAF and was impressed, but not enough to ditch my transport/dac. I believe the future of digital audio is going in this direction, but its not there yet. We're just at the tip of the ice berg.

Distortion - TRL charges a standard fee of $550 for their mods. Do not ask what they do, they won't tell. If you're one of those that needs to know everything that is done to a modified unit then TRL is not for you. They offer a money back guarantee if you're not satisfied with their work. Check out my review on the TRL Audio Mirror here and you'll get an idea of what type of improvements you can expect.
Clio09, I have read through many of the related threads here, on AA, and on AudioCircle. It also comes in handy that I am very knowledgable already about generic PC based media servers, networking, ripping, codecs, and all the other stuff that comes into play on that side of the world.

Regrading your comments, though, were you listening to the SB through its analog audio outs, or as a digital server to a high end D/A? Also, were they SB1s or SB2/SB3s? From what I've read there's a big difference between the SB1 and the newer units.

I listened to the SB2s as modified by Red Wine Audio and Bolder Cable. Analog to DAC and using the internal DAC. External DAC was best. I also listened to the Off Ramp Turbo from Emprical. I thought the Off Ramp Turbo was better than the SB2. That being said I still stand by my TRL modified transport and DAC. My transport is an Alesis ML9600 that is also a CDP and HD storage/player, as well as CDR.

One item that has recently caught my eye is the Grace M902 headphone amp that has an internal DAC. It also has a USB input and balanced and RCA outputs. I may give that a whirl soon.