What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.

So, you already have a nice table/cart/phonostage and this thing will make it even "better"?

I am a little worried about anything whose "How it works" includes...

"...Cantilever Bending Beams..."

I wonder if they would make one for Ortofon Concorde.
Selling a product and giving explanations that perhaps make no sense at the end is one thing that can be itself explained, especially if the sellers know that his product work but dont know exactly why and how...

It is not simple to understand?

BUT having always an answer always the same, to mock all that is out of our expectations window is another matter...

Between these 2 attitudes guess which is the more silly?


Being myself ingenuous perhaps i dont see the world full of thiefs and liars, i think that we must carefully experiment and carefully test  people and products....Denigrating without knowing pays no dividends....

Anyway i buy nothing, i try to replicate....

«Science is not a pillow» -Anonymus Smith

"I believe the development of XTAC to be the single most revolutionary advance in loudspeaker fidelity, not only in my lifetime, but quite possibly in the entire history of the loudspeaker.” 

-Dr. Karl Schuemann, Designer"

If nothing else, it is an understatement of sorts.

Where is kenjit when we need his opinion?

AudioMachina » XTAC

Removes interfering energy and reduces a polarity of shear but does not reduce interference that travels between the record lip and the paper label..back and forth in and on the vinyl. That cannot be removed by this method. The stylus will see that traveling resonance before this device does its work.

I wonder if they tried c360 or c385 brass as they are lower in speed than titanium and are more elastic.
Very creative concept..like a tuning fork. Tom
@tablejockey , Nice find! The marketing is fabulous BS. What a riot.

@tomic601 , Phew, I was worried you were having another manic break. Nice to here you are OK. God just works, no 0's or 1's. That's just us trying to understand. A long way off still.

I just realized I am in trouble. My trusty old Sota Sapphire just walked out the door. Fortunately with a real nice young fellow who seems awfully happy to get it. But, I have not been without a turntable since I was....4 years old. Not kidding. Maybe a couple of weeks on vacation traveling but that is it. Sota is way behind schedule because of this dumb virus. My table is probably 3 months out. I think I'm going to have a seizure. Maybe if I get my wife to hide all the records it won't be so bad.