Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
I’ll stand over here with the "MC, Sit, Stay" (good*s*pat*) crowd....;)

Although I may not agree with Everything he posts, he’s certainly free and welcome to do so imo...
Writes well in a intelligent fashion although the soapbox is showing some wear ’n tear on some of the crowd.

I suspect he doesn’t care for my presence and the occasional remark, I’d hope he allows me the same. If he has opted to block me, oh well.

Someone else will eventually point out that his sneakers leak. *smirk* Re
One thing for sure, nobody in his sound mind can hate you wise man !  I do the same than you, being less wise most of the times tough! 😊

My deepest salutations....
@Arch2: Thanks for the offer. If I can get to Chicago I will certainly meet everyone in the bar. Will it be big enough?
Now, please can we get back to arguing about equipment.
I know this system very well “now everything will be normalized “
America was in it at least 60 years but for wake up is never too late 
@mahgister *G*  Thanks, and back 'atcha....

I do have my moments....unfortunately, no one's around usually... ;)

It's nice that the US has shared a collective *sigh* of relief long overdue.
Adults are back at the wheel....
Loved the virtual inaugural 'party' with T. Hanks as the host.  We ought to have that sort of thing more often, beats buying bombers and such.  A free verse poem from a young woman that startles with similes that both delighted and defined a nation's needs and knowns.

Apart, we're just a bunch of strangers lost and lingering.

Together, differences denied for discussion delayed. we can literally do the improbable.
The impossible just takes a bit longer.

And all soundtracks of our lives play the same beat of our hearts.

A good weekend to all, J