What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.

The stereo times list of wanted components listed Lejonklou Boazu integrated amplifier.  The designer auditions different components down to screws, bolts and solder (based on how they effect the sound).  Sounds insane, but from the reviews (read them yourself) he produces quite an interesting product.

"jperry The real scam that goes on is people commenting on products they have not heard."


I never wrote a post to condescendingly treat a group of people to be ignorant.... Like you with your attack about turntable deluded people...

I never wrote a post about a device i never experiment with, and after that ridiculizing all owners to be gullible people by principle like the OP ...

This is INSULTING to many....

My answers are always based on arguments not insult first...I dont like people who attack many in one block, turntable owners or tweakers, that makes no sense....

By the way audiodesign you never answer to argument, you distort and insult for example what frogman says...It is easy to read the posts, they are there...no shame?

Myself last day i created my own " room lens" ,because i make my own device,i dont have the luxury to be able to buy but my device WORK very audibly without any negative.....Then the original device must be really good.... I will refine mine this summer.....The hallograph is a diffuser and it probably work good also, i will made a pair this summer...

I dont have time to bash others and clothes myself with a theorem....Try to make one and speak after.... 

«A theorem can be a veil where to hide from reality» -Anonymus Smith
I never wrote a post about a device i never experiment with, and after that ridiculizing all owners to be gullible people by principle like some ...

This is INSULTING to many....

Exactly why I ask that the whole thread be removed. Its only reason for being is to insult. Not anything constructive about it at all. Just plain flat out direct ridicule. Not even based on any actual experience. Just that it looks silly. Which as I pointed out right away, if you know anything at all about sound then its bound to work as a diffuser. Whether it works or not, how effective it is for the price, don’t know. Haven’t the foggiest. But I do know its definitely not silly. It is in fact grounded in acoustic science.  

So the OP is not only insulting, but ignorant. Childish. Its been pointed out, but he persists. So also arrogant. Deserves more than anything a time out. Can’t get one from the whole site, mods seem to encourage this sort of antisocial behavior. But he can get one from me.

Right. Lets say cleeds (this is just an example) says mahgister saw a Sherman tank fly. I take a look at a picture of a Sherman tank and reply that mahgister is hallucinating again. We have to increase his thorazine dose. Cleeds replys, "How can you say that? You just saw a picture!"
Now I know darn well that unless he is back on the sauce again, cleeds can look at a picture of a Sherman tank and know for an absolute fact that that thing ain't flying. He is just pulling my leg for fun. 
Well folks, some of us are gifted and can tell by looking at some things that they are absolutely not suited for the suggested purpose. We do not have to go through the ordeal of a blinded AB comparison. If you want to prove to me that something sounds better you have to show me the blinded AB comparison study with at least 10 subjects. Otherwise, it is just an opinion and when it comes to audio the opinions of strangers are close to worthless. There are times when you can't even trust your own opinion.
Must i analyse for others to see point by point the stupidity of this post and self defense?

You protest that you are not only a sceptic, but it is only impossible to convince you even by your own experience ...

A blind test perhaps will … 😊

why then accusing others to be gullible about the product they experience and are happy with?

Because they are not imbued with the same "scientist" blinders than you?

Ok i understand it is "science" for you..... All the others who buy anything are gullible but not you, you are a "scientist"...

This is so condescendingly stupid my arms falls

Well folks, some of us are gifted and can tell by looking at some things that they are absolutely not suited for the suggested purpose.
read your line....

I myself was in the obligation to try the "room lens" to verify some of his audible effect but not you....

You are born with infused science....

Mijostyn read your line and think.....Instead of making sarcasm....

There is only one thing i dont understand here....why some people are not ashame to put themselves in the corner with the most evident affirmative stupidity? Some of them are "gifted "indeed...

Another thing to think about is the way those who first insulted a distictive group of people after that feel insulted if we turn their nose in the own vomit deconstructing their vicious circles....

Well folks, some of us are gifted and can tell by looking at some things that they are absolutely not suited for the suggested purpose.