What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.

Post removed 
To you and others, what may appear perfectly possible, is totally absurd to the rest of us. That you don’t know it is absurd does not make it any less absurd, it just means you don’t possess the knowledge to know it is absurd
said audiodesign...before he erase his post....

FIRST-what we know or did not know MUST not interpose itself in an experiment...This is a necessity and an obligation in TRUE scepticism... "scientism" is the opposite attitude...

SECOND- what someone know did not dispense him to experiment, because the state of the science is always incomplete, and the quantity of science in one head is more limited than the actual scientific kowledge on earth...(except for Mijostyn who is "gifted")

THIRD what appear absurd to one does not implicate a total and proven absurdity...Logic does not replace experience and experiment, and for example acoustic is a PRACTICAL science like medecine based on facts and theory but in dire need of experiments ....

FOURTH the argument saying that: US we know it is absurd, we see it, but NOT YOU, makes absolutely no sense in an experiment...

FIFTH audio like acoustic is an experimental science...audio is a mix of science, new tech, and experiments at the intersection of many sciences and tech......

SIXTH i cannot fathom for myself the fact that an engineer like you is unable to know that his posting argument is only a vicious circle...


i just corrected for the better in my room, the tube pipes sold under the name "Lensroom". I did it 2 hours ago...It is AN EXPERIMENT....No judgement about "lensroom" can replace the modification or say something about it.. Any small room has a geometry, a topology and a content with various materials with various acoustical properties,modifying the Tubes necessitate my ears...Without this complex acoustical content, without the many diffusive surface packed in my room, a calculus would do, for example in the case of helmholtz resonators in a particular big theater...Sometimes the ears do it more economically....

No a priori informed judgement can replace experiment except in the case of those calling themself "gifted"...

It seems audiodesign himself erased his post....My post was an answer to his ....You can read it in mine...

This is a phenomenal thread. Let it stay for posterity and education of future generations.

"I know very well that glupson is not stupid..."

I lived to see the day this is written on Audiogon forum.

Speaking of education, I have a minor observation for this and one more thread.

Skeptic is spelled with K, not with C. It is not an important detail, but may as well be the only useful knowledge gained here. Apart from mahgister’s comment quoted above.

Be careful. cleeds and mahgister may be right after all.

For whatever reason, Sherman tank is part of the Flying Heritage. Website, at least.

FHCAM - M4A1 Sherman Medium Tank (flyingheritage.org)

bdp247,150 posts01-08-2021 6:43pmThe Peter Belt (PWB Electronics) "products" are laughably ridiculous.

He does give audio dynamica a run for their money!