What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.

This is a phenomenal thread. Let it stay for posterity and education of future generations.

"I know very well that glupson is not stupid..."

I lived to see the day this is written on Audiogon forum.

Speaking of education, I have a minor observation for this and one more thread.

Skeptic is spelled with K, not with C. It is not an important detail, but may as well be the only useful knowledge gained here. Apart from mahgister’s comment quoted above.

Be careful. cleeds and mahgister may be right after all.

For whatever reason, Sherman tank is part of the Flying Heritage. Website, at least.

FHCAM - M4A1 Sherman Medium Tank (flyingheritage.org)

bdp247,150 posts01-08-2021 6:43pmThe Peter Belt (PWB Electronics) "products" are laughably ridiculous.

He does give audio dynamica a run for their money!

tweak11,910 posts01-09-2021 9:00amThe problem here is the title with the word SEEN, instead of HEARD

I have been using many Machina Dynamica tweak products to great effect over a decade, including the Clever Little Clocks, and yes they too perform as advertised. If his products don’t work for you then look to your system, or maybe your hearing is not capable, but his products work well



Thank you for clearly illustrating placebo effect.
I lived to see the day this is written on Audiogon forum.
I say that because i am perfectly able to criticize myself, and without going back to our discussion in the past, i know that the main part of our divergence were based on the fact that you are" cautious" if i try to understand your perspective... Being cautious is an aspect of intelligence...

Even if i may diverge about something or even if our interpretations of something are different, the main characteristic of your objections were born in a cautious attitude... I can differ on a subject with you but i cannot reject this fact.... 

I dont want to go back in the past....

I prefer friendly and logical debate without attacking a group or a person or a product we dont know....

Example: all people trying the hallograph are not gullible stupid persons....

Assimilating all unusual products like the poster over me to all the others unusual one is not a cautious and intelligent attitude.... It is only a sarcastic party.... It is not my party.....I am skeptic( thanks for the correction )not stupid....

I never has taken any pleasure here to mock someone for the pleasure to do so.... But i can answer sarcasm with sarcasm...Anyway sacasm is not logic nor reason...
