Why do people care what their speaker wants?

Or amp. Or DAC, pre-amp, or whatever. Fill in the blank. Why does anyone care? Are speakers so haughty they get all moody and pouty if you don't give them what they want? I thought the whole point was to have a system that sounds the way we want it to sound? So why all the people asking what goes with what? What do they care? Why?
What I mean is, people are always asking, "I have Wilson Sabrina, what cables should I get?" Or right now it’s, "Speaker cable recommendation for Joseph audio perspectives2".

Good point. More information from the OP about the sound he has now and what changes he would like to hear will greatly increase his chances of getting helpful advice.

All speakers are different. They don’t want anything, instead they need. So they are needy...😁 give them what they "need" and they will reward with great sound. As one poster stated, you can just throw a bunch of sh*t together and hope it sounds good. There is impedance, sensitivity, tone, timbre, dark, bright, neutral, warm....etc etc....but you know this. However if you do not care about such details and what you threw together sounds good to you, then I guess that is all that matters. Ears are like fingerprints, no two are the same. What may sound good to you may sound awful to someone else. I say who cares, as long as I’m happy and it makes me want to listen.
If speakers are women then give them want they REALLY want:
Shut up and listen.

Folks are merely asking what experience others may have with equipment matching. With a vast plethora of combinations hard to make decisions without starting with a few opinions from fellow audiophiles.