Thorens, Technics, Nottingham, all sound like great suggestions. Keep 'em coming folks. I've also heard good things about VPI and Rega. I have been buying used equipment for a very long time with great success (knock on wood). But am I to assume that a used TT presents a greater risk compared to, say, amps or DACs? If so, then maybe new it is.
Also, what are the pros and cons of MM vs MC?
@oldhvymec -- man, you're right about the vinyl prices. I was looking at some well known recordings (Miles, Coltrane, Chet Baker, Patricia Barber, and other usual suspects) to get my collection going, but the good ones seem to be quite a bit more expensive than CDs.
@yogiboy Thanks for the links. This looks interesting and very much within the ballpark of my budget.
@inna The Nottingham looks really nice, but the link you provided is being shipped from Netherlands and does not include a cartridge. Not sure if there's a US dealer, but I'll definitely research.
Lots of food to munch on!
Also, what are the pros and cons of MM vs MC?
@oldhvymec -- man, you're right about the vinyl prices. I was looking at some well known recordings (Miles, Coltrane, Chet Baker, Patricia Barber, and other usual suspects) to get my collection going, but the good ones seem to be quite a bit more expensive than CDs.
@yogiboy Thanks for the links. This looks interesting and very much within the ballpark of my budget.
@inna The Nottingham looks really nice, but the link you provided is being shipped from Netherlands and does not include a cartridge. Not sure if there's a US dealer, but I'll definitely research.
Lots of food to munch on!