Schiit Freya+ or Saga+? Vidar or Aegir?

I listen at moderate volumes in a smallish room, 15x15 with a 10’ ceiling. My single driver speakers are 95db efficient. I’m a bit confused about which amp/preamp pairing to run with. 

The Saga+ preamp has 0 gain. The Freya+ preamp has 12db in tube active mode. The Vidar amp has 100W per channel into 8ohms (which my speakers are) and 27db of gain while the Aegir has 20W per channel into 8 ohms and 22db of gain. 

I’m a bit dense as regards the necessity of gain in the preamp relative to the amp and speaker efficiency so I’m not sure which pairing suits my needs. I’ll never need all 100W of the Vidar but I wonder if that and a pre with 0 gain is a better pairing than the Freya/Aegir. 

Any input? 
With your 95db speakers, I would go Aegir. It is class A and should pair well. The Freya + is the better pre and I would want an active pre with the lower watts of the Aegir.

I’ve got the Freya+ with a Vidar, and I’d second the above advice for the best sound quality with your speakers. The Freya and Aegir are Schiit’s best sounding pre and amp.  

The problem is, the Freya+ is tough for them to keep in stock.  They are presently hoping to have it back in stock by late March.  This is due to limited production of parts needed, which I think is Covid related as well as a tight marketplace.

Thanks, guys. Aegir it is. 

I noticed that stock issue with the Freya+. I’ve read around on Audiogon and it looks like some people are already waiting months for backorders so who knows when I could expect one if I ordered it today. 
I have a Saga+ with an Aegir. If your source outputs at least 1.2V then unity gain with the pre will get full power out of the Aegir which should be fine with your speakers. The Freya+ may be better (I haven’t heard it), but for the price the Saga+ is surprisingly good. As an added bonus with the single 6SN7 it can be a lot less expensive to experiment with tube rolling. 
Interesting. I really struggled to find someone with the Saga/Aegir pairing but lo and behold, here you are. I hope you don’t mind a few questions!

—What is the sensitivity rating of your speakers?

—What have you noticed about tube mode in Saga+? 

I’ve read things ranging from “Saga tube mode is indistinguishable from passive mode” to “it’s great with the right tube”.

People talk about the Freya+ as having a more robust tube mode that has more of an effect on sound than the Saga+ but I’m not sure that I’d even want that.