Speakers for Rogue Sphinx

I order a Rogue Sphinx and am looking for speaker suggestions for it.

The room is 25x20. 8ft ceiling. Will need acoustic treatment, but that's another discussion.

Rock/folk/similar types of music: Kinks, Stones, Clash, Dylan, Spacemen3, Little Feat, The Fall, 
Symphonic music, rap/club, and metal aren't important.

Was going to get Tekton Lores, but they aren't in production right now. So considering their Enzo line. 

Soundstage and such are far more important than physical appearance.
That is a low ceiling for that big of a room. I would go for speakers that are slanted back, i.e. time aligned (highs travel a speck faster than lows) or flat faced ones that you can improvise to slant them slightly, and toe them in, all to avoid reflections from parallel surfaces. Tweeters have narrower dispersion, so aim them at seated ear height.

Horns, more efficient, have wider dispersion, some horns are designed to restrict vertical dispersion (good for your 8' ceiling) and provide wide horizontal dispersion, another reason to toe horns in.

Try aggressive toe-in, you may be surprised, maintain great imaging with a wider center for 2 listeners, and even less reflections from side walls.

I always recommend efficient speakers to make it easier to try tube amps, and reduce cost of any amp in the future. smaller, lighter, less heat, more placement options all come from efficient speakers reduced power needs.
So the Lore's and Enzo's are great, I would go Enzo XL over Lore. And if you can up your budget a little, it might be a good idea to go with one of the models with the 7 tweeter array. They will give you a little more midrange magic. The Enzo 2.7 is the smallest in size with it's double 8" woofers. Perfect Set and Perfect Set 2-10 work well with SS amps as well as being tube friendly. Up the budget more and you can move into Electron and DI. In general the more you can spend the better the sound.
Emerald Physics 3.0s- 2.8s. I saw a pair of 2.8s for sale recently. Do a search