My really dumb tube mistake(s)

8 years ago, I bought a sweet sounding Line Magnetic amp for my office system which a few years ago died and had to go to the repair shop. $500 later it was back working, but then recently I noticed the sound was getting thin, I couldn’t bias the tubes and thought something else was wrong with it, arghh.

Then I noticed one newer tube was able to be biased and decided to replace all 4 KT-88 power tubes.
Presto, the amp sounded great again!

Like the boiled frog, the sound degradation had been so gradual my brain had gradually adjusted. But the new tubes brought it back to life.

So, then I thought, wow, maybe I should try the same thing in my primary system with my Primaluna monoblocks, switch out the Primaluna tubes for some new Gold Lions. Again - wow! What a difference. Like I bought new amps, much richer and fuller sounding.

Tubes wear out, even if they don’t blow out.
Yes, duh, it’s a good idea to replace them every 4 years or so and not wait eight.
At the office I'm running my Line Magnetic 2161A integrated with some Davone Mojos. Which just need a sub to really sound amazing but that didn't go so well with the people in the office below, so no sub.

At home, using an amazing DeHavilland PreAmp with the Primaluna Prologue Seven monoblocks and a pair of Martin Logan Ethos speakers.
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I don’t see it as a mistake, I see it as getting every last mile out of that tank of fuel... Well done..

Live and learn.

When things don’t sound right, whatever the cause, time to jump into action! Regression testing rules! Switch/change one thing at a time until problem item is isolated. Having spare gear around to swap in when needed is key! If tube gear in particular  always keep spare tubes in good working order around!

That’s the nice thing about integrated gear and keeping things simple.....much easier to isolate a problem and get it resolved when it happens and eventually something will always happen. Good gear should last a long time and continue sounding good but nothing is forever.
We really need some critical analysis of when "break in" ends and the degrading affects of tube life begin.  ;)
