Help! Spakers damaged during shipping?Paid insurance (with proof)being told not Insured?

LONGGGG story, here is short verison. (this has bene going on for the last 7-8 months!!!

I sold a pair of B&W speakers on as well as purchasing insurance and shipping label through
When speakers arrive to buyer he notifies me immedietly with pictures that they are broken and boxes are all busted up like they had been dropped from a formitable height and landed on their head.
I file claim with audiogon (whom i purchased the insurance through). Claim is denied due to package "not being Insured'. How can it not be insured if I paid for the insurance at checkout when I purchased Shipping label

To clarify, the claim is not getting denied for handling the situation wrong ( i.e.-  throwing away the damaged item or something) nit actually is NOT EVEN GETTING THAt far. MY receipt says that I paid for insurance and show the amount I paid but' on their end' they are showing something different (that this was not insured).

How to Resolve? Next step of Action?

I shipped a pair of B&W 804D2 speakers across the country through UPS Store. I paid them to box the speakers as I no longer had originals. I made them aware of packaging correctly and specifically told them about the diamond tweeter and how easily it is to break. Insured accordingly and when one tweeter did get broken, insurance paid the $1,300 replacement cost.You could try filing a claim in small claims court. Not sure now but at one time you could file at no cost without an attorney and they are obligated to respond to argue your claim.
Shipping speakers is how members get negative feedback, they have to be well packaged, best to have original packing material and prey they arrive in good condition. Best to do a local sale if possible.
I shipped a tube preamp and the packing was bullet proof. This was on a Fedex truck that rolled over in transit, heavy items crushing the box. When it arrived the packing material was expelled from the box and the preamp (still in the box) had a bent frame. The buyer reported it still worked perfectly. I told the buyer to take pictures. In the end I let him keep the preamp and the claim money.
"Insurance is a scam. Period."

it is not, you just need to know the rules.

I've had several claims paid by UPS. In each case I did not have the original packaging. However, I took it to a UPS store and paid to have them package it. If they pack it they can't deny your claim for improper packing. If you do not pay for them to pack it, you will probably get denied. 

They also told me to keep the items, which were functioning and just had cosmetic damage.