I'm thinking about getting M2Tech gear The Evo Hiface Evo 2 USB to SPDIF adapter with the optional clock and power supply. I have a Berkley Alpha USB but it only has one output and I need more flexibility. The Evo Hiface will give me that. I have never seen the units and there is no local shop that demonstrates them. I will have to buy them blind. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
@mesch , Reload the program? I think you mean start it up again. No problem. If you always use the same output device it stays locked in. When you use multiples It can be a real PITA.
@stereo5 , No problem I will. This will be my first encounter with Italian electronics.
I have sad news. I got the three units as ordered. One of the switches on the Clock did not work. The HiFace Evo 2 sounded Ok by itself but it only lasted an hour before going AWOL. M2Tech USA dealt with the problem with dignity and they refunded all my money before I even go the units back to FedX. My sense was that they were very embarrassed.
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