Hopefully the ebay buyer’s DNA-0.5 amp will not suffer the same fate as yours - at least not in the near future.@mitch2 — Hate to be a negative Nellie but unfortunately it absolutely will fail. I spoke with SMcAudio about it directly and they said the input boards of that era are physically at the end of their lives and not possible to repair or replace and that the rest of the guts are basically trash. Not what I wanted to hear. They said the only viable option would be to use the carcass for one of their upgrades that replace everything, which is what I plan to do as I really loved my amp before it went kaput and can’t wait to hear how much better the new upgrades will sound. Now just need to save up enough shekels to git’er done.
Incidentally, what do you think are the standout sonic strengths of your SMcAmps vs. stock (if you’ve ever heard that) and what other amps have you compared them to? Also, what level upgrades did you consider and why did you choose the Ultimate-G? Not sure if it was you, but I remember someone saying the new bases are very worthwhile. I’m not familiar with Steve’s latest upgrades so appreciate your thoughts having gone through this. Thanks for any thoughts/advice!