Maybe the death of music is because for the most part, life is too easy. With the coming generation, things are really sucking for them. If they can get away from synthesizers and learn some skills, perhaps they can turn that angst into something rebellious and interesting?
I think it is one of the reasons for the rise of black/ethnic "pop" music through the 90's into the 2000's. Everyone else had it too good, so there was not enough "emotion" to drive the song writing.
Please don't take what I am writing as racist, I am looking at influences and how that differed by race. I find it interesting.
"White" pop had a peak in the 80's. It was a reflection/culmination of life. Hey, look at us, we have prosperity, no one is trying to nuke us today, walls are coming down. Let's celebrate life. Prior to that, there was lots of angst about any number of things, so songs either reflected it or escaped it. You of course still had good stuff after, but "happy" that is so meh/80's. However, those that didn't get to partake in the enlightenment still had angst and perhaps even more anger. That gave rise to black pop music with edge, and we could say the "escape" of latin.
It's funny, because looking at China, they have a developing music scene, but it is like U.S. radio in the 50's --- all shiny and happy, because that is all that is allowed. I wonder if there is not some interesting underground as I am sure there is a lot of buried angst.