Mickey Mouse Ears

Let's do an experiment.  While listening to your music system from your ideal seating position, cup both of your hands and place them behind your ears facing the speakers.  Do you like it?  Does it sound better?  There is no doubt it sounds different.  It is not like trying to determine if there is a difference between one cable and another.  I think maybe it does sound better, at least in some qualities.  It's louder for sure.  It's kind of like putting on headphones.  A lot of people probably think headphones sound better than speakers.
If it does sound better in any way, why has no one invented audiophile Micky Mouse ears to wear on your head, too funny looking?  How about a high back chair with reflectors built into the headrest?  What do you think?  Should I run out and get a patent?

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He probably is a very good listener.   Better than most.  Not all ears are created equal. 
Years ago I was  in a sporting goods shop and they had a headset that did just what you described.  It was amazing how well they worked amplifying sound . They were meant to let you hear the sounds in the wilds.