Craigslist Fraud

Just thought I'd share my recent experience with attempting to sell some audio equipment on Craigslist.  Attempted to sell a Audio Research Ref 3LE.  I know now that doing so via Craigslist was probably stupid.  Anyway, I had a guy from out of state reach out to me.  Said that he wanted to buy it.  Asked that he send a cashiers check.  A couple days later the FedEx arrives with a check for $12K more than what I was asking...  The alarm bells went off.  Check was from a business in Chicago and the FedEx was from Florida.  They did a very convincing job of making up the check.  Reported it to the police - so I could feel better.  They let me know that the scammers would probably have come back and asked that I send part of the money back to them.. as if.  Rang the company that the check was reported to have come from (The Belt Railway Company of Chicago).  They said that I was the 6th person in the last week that rang them.  Wanted to put this out for y'all and hope that no one goes through this like I did.  Very thankful that it only cost me time, frustration and some dents to my ego.  
Another twist on CL to be aware of.  I was selling a motorcycle and had a VIN report.  The buyer wanted a VIN report from another provider.  I did it and immediately knew I was scammed (Cayman Island site).  Canceled my credit card and they refunded the VIN report charge.  Never use a VIN report that you didn't generate.
I have sold numerous hi-end (2-5K) mountain bikes from CL with no issues.Local only and usually cash.  There have been times when I did a mix of Paypal and cash and have not run into any issues.  
Yep - same thing happened to my girlfriend. Good rule for Craigslist: if it feels funny, it's a scam. Never accept any payments using cashier's checks, and always deal locally if at all possible.

Thats such an old CL scam that I'm surprised they're still doing the ’oops I sent you too much’ check scam. on CL I will only do in person for items that expensive and maybe Venmo/Paypal in some rare cases. youre better off protecting yourself and selling on ebay or even Reverb does some hifi sales.
I like all the people posting "rules" for making Craigslist sales.  Here's what a scammer tried with me. 

Scammer - Email - I want the item. 

Me - fine, local pickup, cash only. 

Scammer - I'm out of town, I'll send a down payment cashier's check. 

Me - No. Cash only.  Local pickup. 

Scammer: I've sent a cashier's check via FedEx, here's the tracking number.

Me - I know this is a scam, the FedEx will be refused.

Scammer:  Please deposit the check in your bank, etc.

Me - I've notified FedEx security of this scam using FedEx with the tracking number.  I've notified Tractor Supply security that you're using their address in Florida for a scam and possibly their FedEx number..  I've talked with Manager of the Tractor Supply store and notified her of the scam.  The FedEx will go back to Tractor Supply, and they're going to turn it over to the local police.

All of this took about a week to resolve.  The scammers are really persistent and even when you tell them you know it's a scam, they don't quit.  So, you can make up whatever rules YOU want for Craigslist sales, but ultimately it's up to you to clean up the mess the scammers have made for you.