Dear @mijostyn : "
It is just the way we are wired. This explains some of the brilliance of some musicians like Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles.."
You are just " talking " because the continuous electrical brain activity is totally unknow for the stientifics, no one knows exactly how the brain is " wired ". In disease as ephilepsia the only real fact that a neurologist has is that the electrical activity is way higher than in normal condition but the scientifics/neurologist do not knows what is the source that cause that higher electrical brain activity and the person can't recover his health.
Now, a human been that born or at early years gone blind by natural necessity of that human been his brain starts to develops different paths to help by him self and that develops means to make the other human been senses alot more sensitive and way improved to a degree that that blind human been almost can " see ".
But you are not blind and all over your life your brain runned in normal way where your eyes are open all the time you are awake and the brain did not developed your other senses at the level of a blind person ( where all his senses were improved over time. ) and what you think is a better listen quality your ears is heavy weigthed by your own " imagination " because you want that things happens that way.
Please read again @mahgister post about. He listen with eyes open in a dark room, good and similar to what I do when I want to test in deep or fine tunning system or an audio item.
You are just " talking " because the continuous electrical brain activity is totally unknow for the stientifics, no one knows exactly how the brain is " wired ". In disease as ephilepsia the only real fact that a neurologist has is that the electrical activity is way higher than in normal condition but the scientifics/neurologist do not knows what is the source that cause that higher electrical brain activity and the person can't recover his health.
Now, a human been that born or at early years gone blind by natural necessity of that human been his brain starts to develops different paths to help by him self and that develops means to make the other human been senses alot more sensitive and way improved to a degree that that blind human been almost can " see ".
But you are not blind and all over your life your brain runned in normal way where your eyes are open all the time you are awake and the brain did not developed your other senses at the level of a blind person ( where all his senses were improved over time. ) and what you think is a better listen quality your ears is heavy weigthed by your own " imagination " because you want that things happens that way.
Please read again @mahgister post about. He listen with eyes open in a dark room, good and similar to what I do when I want to test in deep or fine tunning system or an audio item.