About normal activity of mammal (rat) working as usual without all the brain matter and the rest deformed but with no impediment in his normal working just normal to old age........
There is the SAME phenomena observed on human...I have lost my link for the time being...There even exist a human with non average I.Q. a mathematician that work normal with a very great % of his brain lost....This was discovered in the midst of non related medical examination ....
These facts are unknown to most people or under the rug in some "scientist" circle, because the actual paradigm in materialist science is the production of the consciousness BY the brain....
Penrose-Hameroff model of consciousness, the only serious one at this hour, predict the exact opposite... the brain absolutely not produce consciousness it is the reverse...it is in fact more complicated but i cannot enter in these details here....The only important fact is that in this model the brain dont produce the consciousness the memory is not located IN the brain at all....
One word of caution: these observed facts dont negate the impact of a well structured brain in heralthy shape for the normal working in life... These facts relativize simple what is the absolute subordination order: brain/matter domination over consciousness or Consciousness domination over brain/matter....These dynamic of subordination is way more complex than simplistic dogmas decrees... Thats all....
True or not, the Penrose-Hameroff model is the only one encompassing scientific facts at all scale from quantum to human anesthesia phenomenon on patient....
We do not need even this model in true science now to hypothetized with seriousness that consciousness is the only phenomena , even the cosmos is a paraphenomon to this one...
Reading in all fields help to think.....
Sorry dudes, mystics are more wise than average electors in general, all countries included.....But this is news to only those who rarely think....
When i was young i arrived at the conclusion that only 2 categories of disciplines or fields of study are devoid of most of the general stupidity of the human race: the mathematicians and the mystic, not engineeers or religious people, dont confuse the 2 they are not related except weakly...
You know why?
Mystics and mathematicians live ONLY for truth....Nothing else. no money, no power interested them.... Except the invevitable rare fraudsters among them...They constitute the most coherent mind there is on this apes planet...True observer of nature comes after these 2.... Goethe is my first model, Darwin in second for me....but the 2 were lonking for truth....
I read more about those 2 species and their subject than about each other fields.... What is marvellous is some musicians balance in themselves both of these field: Bach for example and many others....
My best to all....
There is the SAME phenomena observed on human...I have lost my link for the time being...There even exist a human with non average I.Q. a mathematician that work normal with a very great % of his brain lost....This was discovered in the midst of non related medical examination ....
These facts are unknown to most people or under the rug in some "scientist" circle, because the actual paradigm in materialist science is the production of the consciousness BY the brain....
Penrose-Hameroff model of consciousness, the only serious one at this hour, predict the exact opposite... the brain absolutely not produce consciousness it is the reverse...it is in fact more complicated but i cannot enter in these details here....The only important fact is that in this model the brain dont produce the consciousness the memory is not located IN the brain at all....
One word of caution: these observed facts dont negate the impact of a well structured brain in heralthy shape for the normal working in life... These facts relativize simple what is the absolute subordination order: brain/matter domination over consciousness or Consciousness domination over brain/matter....These dynamic of subordination is way more complex than simplistic dogmas decrees... Thats all....
True or not, the Penrose-Hameroff model is the only one encompassing scientific facts at all scale from quantum to human anesthesia phenomenon on patient....
We do not need even this model in true science now to hypothetized with seriousness that consciousness is the only phenomena , even the cosmos is a paraphenomon to this one...
Reading in all fields help to think.....
Sorry dudes, mystics are more wise than average electors in general, all countries included.....But this is news to only those who rarely think....
When i was young i arrived at the conclusion that only 2 categories of disciplines or fields of study are devoid of most of the general stupidity of the human race: the mathematicians and the mystic, not engineeers or religious people, dont confuse the 2 they are not related except weakly...
You know why?
Mystics and mathematicians live ONLY for truth....Nothing else. no money, no power interested them.... Except the invevitable rare fraudsters among them...They constitute the most coherent mind there is on this apes planet...True observer of nature comes after these 2.... Goethe is my first model, Darwin in second for me....but the 2 were lonking for truth....
I read more about those 2 species and their subject than about each other fields.... What is marvellous is some musicians balance in themselves both of these field: Bach for example and many others....
My best to all....