I can see that I'm a master of posing unanswerable/possibly pointless questions.
I like your manner.... By the way it is what true master of life are....
Apart of all this information technical mostly it is very important to experiment ourself in listening and feed back modifications...
What we inform with in these experiments cannot be look for on the internet...
Our listening room and gear is a very specified and unique system related to our ears.... And improving it call not only for tech information but for experiments.... Simple onee but many experiments...
I transform totally my system this way...
Tech information is basic and generic, generic because tech information apply to all audio system... A slight modification in your room nowhere else described is specific and can give great benefit also.... I call that listenings experiments... I created all my devices this way....
Technical information is necessary but dont replace creativity.....And sometimes technical information conditioned us in the road where all are going.... all throw money to so called better design for example.... Creativity let you created your own road...At no cost....
No technical information given to me give me the idea to place a salt lamp near speakers....
My "nutty" example is volontarily chosen to be "nutty" for the clarity of what i speak about...
Idiots can laugh....