When is digital going to get the soul of music?

I have to ask this(actually, I thought I mentioned this in another thread.). It's been at least 25 years of digital. The equivalent in vinyl is 1975. I am currently listening to a pre-1975 album. It conveys the soul of music. Although digital may be more detailed, and even gives more detail than analog does(in a way), when will it convey the soul of music. This has escaped digital, as far as I can tell.

"Isn't audio just a suspension of belief(or is that disbelief)?"

This question reminds me of a quote I heard recently (which sort of turns our audiophile world upside-down).

"Art is freedom from the truth".

Can't remember the source...
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Don't get mad at me for posting this. Although I believe that I should do research in the area of the best cd players for the money, I have a problem. In many cases, I get tense listening to cd. I know that many people don't, so I'm not sure that their advice might apply to me. I have heard that tubes might help this. There is another problem. Sometimes digital doesn't make sense to me-especially with high-end players. With cheaper systems, cd can sometimes sound too hard for me. Anyhow, just some thoughts. Thanks Tvad.
Art is an application of science.....you cannot get freedom from truth.Only freedom from lies exist.
"I get tense listening to cd. I know that many people don't, so I'm not sure that their advice might apply to me."

Something is incompatible with digital in your system, fact is a system designed around analog will likely not sound good playing digital and your tenision with digital is likely more a reflection of your equipment's capability than your tastes and sensibilities. Please do not read that you have poor equipment, a Dirt Late Model is not the same as one made for asphalt. Though they are both very fast 358 cu inch cars and run on 1/2 mile circuits one is better on one surface than the other. Your audio system will likely be the same way.

Digital is very linear and its dynamic range is and can be disconcerting to listeners

Analog, compressed (RIAA), EQ, very non linear and is easier to listen too, highs are not linear and for equipment to playback. So the stress levels are down on all parts.

My system is designed around digital, I make compromises and adjustments on preamp and cartridge selection to adjust my analog accordingly to a system that will not flatter it. You may need to do the same (in reverse).