Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?

There are a lot clones coming out of China and power amplifiers seem to be along for the ride.
Mark Levinson, Goldmund, and Accuphase are some of the big names I see replica’s being advertised for sale. These replica’s range in price from $500-$2000. My curiosity every time I see these always is do they even sound like the brand they are trying copy? Another thought that comes to my mind when I see them is, are they even safe or reliable. I myself wouldn’t touch one of these, but that’s me. Has anybody heard one? If so it would be interesting to hear some opinions regarding these amplifiers.
People that produce counterfeit anything are thieves. It’s no more complicated than that. People that buy things from thieves are either ignorant, or amoral.
Poor people from poor countries must buy US and must not work to eat? 😁

Black and white in morality is sometimes very pragmatical but for whom?

We had a good advice here i think.....


I think your anger is misdirected here. You should go and discuss it here...
World trade Organization

2 fake watch stories.

Many years ago, at least 50, I found out about a coin shop and jeweler (not sidewalk stuff), fake Cartier Tank watch. The seller said, it looks like the original, but DO NOT take it to Cartier for repair. Big smile.

Also many years ago, maybe 30, a client’s facilities manager came from Chicago to NYC. We going to lunch, he says let’s walk on that side of the street. He had seen a guy selling fake Rolex the day before. I said, noooo, sidewalk, on top of a cardboard box is not a good idea.

He buys one, back to Chicago.

Comes back about a month later, same thing, his had broken. Who would think it, but the guy was there. My friend picks one up, looks the guy straight in the eye, hands him his broken one, says that’s yours. Did I forget to mention my friend was HUGE. Seller smiles, off we go.

OP, sorry again.
What a bunch of BS, mahgister.  Poor people from poor countries can work. The governments that control those countries can actually design and build products that haven't been pirated from others. But that won't happen when others turn a blind eye to their current practices. Are you suggesting that we also should have remained silent about the toys for toddlers that were painted with lead paint? Or the pet food that contained poisonous ingredients? So poor people can work to eat? I'm not buying your ill-thought-out "moral high ground", I'm sorry.
I only point to the necessities of cooperation and world trade organization empowerement...

Is it not clear?

Did i suggect patent violation worlwide being the norm and the solution?

But think about that: in the world actually vaccination is a necessities, analyse the unjust distribution of vaxx products in poor and rich countries...a low percentage of population monopolizing more than the rest of the world with STOLEN money.... Disease dont discriminate poor and rich...

Analyse the negative consequences of abject poverty in disease transmission and incubation...

Analyse the monstruosity of the MONEY in medecine BUSINESS and research BUSINESS....If you dont know that science dont exist anymore in medecine and had been replaced by tech and business you are blind and deaf.... Are you?

Analyse the total Abjection of the patent industry in life product and reduction of live genomic to merchandise....

After that call me and recall me your indignation about false watches from China...

People that produce counterfeit anything are thieves. It’s no more complicated than that. People that buy things from thieves are either ignorant, or amoral

Your simplification of the problem is the mountain and high ground where you put yourself in security against others... Judgement is very easy indeed....

It is not me who are in moral high ground it is you....

And dont accuse me of children labor profitering....

All rich country people PROFIT now from this.... Unbeknownst to them or not...Open your eyes....

The problem ask for solutions that are not one country solution, or technocatratic corporation protection...

Solutions of the world problems exceed binary thinking, communist/capitalist.....Thief/ rightful-consumers etc

I am an optimist, the era of stupidity touch the end, we cooperate like one humanity or we die...In the 2 cases there is no more problem....

Across universe NO civilization can survive in an economic system like ours... NONE....

Poor people from poor countries can work.

What is your news channel?

Are you a martian ?

A simple problem for you:

If 9 percent of the global population lacks access to water, how many work against a minimal wage to only  barely survive?


"Anger? Or things you don’t agree with?"

It has nothing to do with me. I simply think that fear is wasted on some audio forum.

Why not go directly where you can be heard by people who matter? Let us know what they said. I am certain they have better formulated answers than all of the posters above have questions. They may even make sense to you (plural).

Office of Economic and Commercial Affairs — Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the United States of America (china-embassy.org)