What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.


You and I and many others that contribute to this forum might try to be honest as we can be, but it isn't the way of this world.

The truth in 2021 is now probably only reserved for those interactions between between friends and loved ones.

Certainly seems that no one in the big outside world is too concerned with telling the truth.

Certainly not the tyrannical banks, the litigious lawyers, those puppet politicians, the censorious educational establishment, the apparatchiks in the mainstream media, the farcically propagandist fact checkers, those ravishingly data stealing carnivorous tech giants, the fear-spreading pill-dishing big pharma, and obviously not even your friendly neighborhood hi-fi reviewer.

The likes of the late Peter Aczel are few and far between, alas. 

Any that still remain (Penn Jillette, Derren Brown, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning etc etc) risk being banished and sent to distant concentration camps and gulags to be found on the outer reaches of the cyber universe.

Places where they might find themselves in the company of criminals and the seriously deluded.

Exiled to virtual penal colonies.

"If you go to bed with another woman you will be in the obligation to lie, not because you are a liar, because there is no other way.... Simple..."

Unless you are very lucky and have a very understanding partner..

It's a little risky, but I think personal honesty (ok maybe not quite the confessional Russell Brand type of antics - not everyone is ready for that) can lead to closer more substantial relationships.
You are right on all counts....

But dont forget that all ordinary humans are mostly trustful....

It is only an era where the scum can pilot humanity without the need to hide himself...Then the liars are visible all over the place.... But they dont outnumbered the vast decent majority invisible to any spotlight....

My experience with people is most are trustful....Here for example in these forums, most are trustful.....

Rest assured that i am not too gullible..... 😁

Someone told me to wear a tin foil hat while listening, as it greatly reduces RFI.
This joke will not give you I.Q. point sorry.... if you need them for sure.... I presume wth this "joke" that you effectively need them....Next time then ....

By the way, being intelligent, i discovered some use for aluminium paper in my room but not on any head....