Von Schweikert speakers

I'm interested in how Von Schweikert-experienced listeners feel about these speakers. I've never heard them and have no way locally of doing so, but I'm interested in how they sound. I'm running Spatial M3 Turbos now and love their open baffle sound, but I'm not wedded to any one sound in particular.

many thanks.

I have the VR4 Gen III HSE and love them. Bought new 2003. Was thinking about selling but started to do critical listening and may keep them even though older tech. They just have such a great sound. Would have to spend way more now to beat. 
I have a beautiful part of UniField 3 Mk2 loudspeakers, and they amaze me every time I play music through them.  They are basically a one-way with a ribbon tweeter and a small but very powerful woofer, in two cabinets.  Beautiful, and beautiful sounding.  The speakers in my main system are Vandersteen 5A.  Second/third system are JBL L100 Classic. I love each system, and wish I could justify a fourth, at times.  
I had DB-100’s and they were great through my SET amp phase, the others I have heard are uneventful to me.
I have owned VR 4.5 Silver since new. I have always enjoyed them, driven by good equipment.  I,too, would caution against buying speakers w/o audition, in your own space, If possible...of all equipment, they are most room dependent...my speakers seem coherent from low to high excellent soundstage, but haven’t auditioned newer speakers inavery long time
I have some experience with von schweikert speakers because he was a major player in the design and development of the woofer and passive radiator design in my ess speakers. I have also heard one of his statement speakers in chicago years back and came away with mixed feelings about them, but i can tell you that his early designs were magic.