Think you said you are a reader of biographies. I doubt there is a more fascinating subject than Rimbaud.
One of the most extraordinary bio is about one of the most extraordinary man...
RIchard Francis Burton, the only genius, on par with Freud and Lévy-Strauss, in their fields, whom was a linguist speaking perfectly at least 45 or 55 languages, one of the greatest translator of English Litterature, one great Poet and Writers on hiw own, One of the greatest explorer of the British Empire, and a man among men, who beat 7 times the greatest french swordsman...
But the most incredible one is not this one...
Try William James Sidis, an easy man to evaluate... We can consult his conference at Harvard at 11 years old about the projection of 4 dimensional body in Euclidean 3 -d space... At this age he was speaking almost all main European languages and has already create an artificial language of his own, apparently better than Esperanto.... The list of his feats is too incredible to be believe... His I.Q. has no way to be measured by apes... He lived vouching to remain unknown but cannnot be successful....He discovered black Hole by theoretical reflexion like Laplace in his only physic book at 17 years old and published it on his name at 20... Norbert Wiener himself a prodigious genius speak of him in his autobiography and even Wiener seems less talented when we compared the speed of childhood development...
Some life are too extraordinary to be believe.... And so turn the earth....
Archimedes was so intelligent that if enough people on earth had understood him rightly at his times, humanity may have been able to travel to the moon one thousand years ago.... He created the infinitesimal calculus and the infinite concept before Newton did... But it was a greek who let few pages....Probably with Tesla, Ramanujan. Gauss and Goethe, and Leonardo, one of the greatest soul to live...
Imagine the genius of Goethe, a poet that use more words than Shakespeare and Rabelais, and a first order biologist, contradicting Newton and refutating it about the physics of colors....Goethe was so intelligent that the philosophy of his time has no appeal to him and he founded the philosophical phenomenology on more secure ground than even Husserl after him....