Reference Recordings

Am I the only one who doesn’t like the sound of the highly touted Reference Recordings.  While there are some exceptions (e.g. Prokofiev “Alexander Nevsky,”) I find the orchestral perspective on most of their discs so distant that the sound is muddled and sound staging practically non existent.
Anyone else feel that way?
I agree with your impressions of the RCA Living Stereo and Mercury Living Presence. They represent splendid examples of minimalist microphone recordings. They have certainly stood the test of time.
They got a nice sound in the Baha’i Temple.

Ya think Keith Johnson’s 3 channel recording history has anything to do with the lower presence of "soundstaging?"
I really like the RCA’s as well. The Mercury’s not as much. The Mercury’s used 3 channels. For better or worse,  strictly 2 channel in my set up.