Some facts cannot be an exageration....Some can...
They exist or not, like his conference at Harvard officially recorded, or like his description of black hole in a book... Then affirming after that that some facts are exagerated, yes probably some are.... But the main point of his genius in history is not and even cannot be negated nor reduced because of the others proven facts....Superficial scepticicism can negate it , founding a new sceptic club, and calling it a myth.... 😁
Can you understand and state clearly why for example Charles Sanders Peirce denying some Kant point of view, reverse to it in his own way, promoting a kind of phenomenology very different than Goethe one...
You cannot , not because you are not interested, but mainly because that does not make sense for you.... Then you cannot assimilate Goethe understanding of phenomenology from his reading of Spinoza against the nominalism of his time, and your own desinterest for your own contemporary philosophers neighbours motivated by a lack of understanding to his complete understanding... No?
Intelligence is not I.Q. and cannot be overated....
I.Q. is always overrated.... Marilyn Vos Savant is supposed to be on par with Goethe in I.Q. points...There is even NO comparison at all between the genius of one and the real and very great intelligence of this woman tough...
They exist or not, like his conference at Harvard officially recorded, or like his description of black hole in a book... Then affirming after that that some facts are exagerated, yes probably some are.... But the main point of his genius in history is not and even cannot be negated nor reduced because of the others proven facts....Superficial scepticicism can negate it , founding a new sceptic club, and calling it a myth.... 😁
The philosophy of my time has no appeal to me, but I am aware that intelligence is overrated.Whithout offending you ,you are beside the point...The fact that thephilosophy of your time has no appeal to you does not means the same thing in your case than in the case of Goethe...
Can you understand and state clearly why for example Charles Sanders Peirce denying some Kant point of view, reverse to it in his own way, promoting a kind of phenomenology very different than Goethe one...
You cannot , not because you are not interested, but mainly because that does not make sense for you.... Then you cannot assimilate Goethe understanding of phenomenology from his reading of Spinoza against the nominalism of his time, and your own desinterest for your own contemporary philosophers neighbours motivated by a lack of understanding to his complete understanding... No?
Intelligence is not I.Q. and cannot be overated....
I.Q. is always overrated.... Marilyn Vos Savant is supposed to be on par with Goethe in I.Q. points...There is even NO comparison at all between the genius of one and the real and very great intelligence of this woman tough...