Best speakers to use with Mahi Mahi amps

Along with the Mahi Mahi I use a Woo Audio WA2 preamp, RAM modified Shanling CD T100 and a REL Strata III subwoofer.

I listen mostly to Progressive Rock, Jazz, Acoustic Blues and Bluegrass. Budget for speakers is $5K or less
I run Merlin TSM-Mmi with a Stingray II, which is basically the integrated amp version of the Mahis. Along with a small Von Shweikert sub, this combo fills a large room with great sound. The Stingray's 40 watts in ultralinear mode are more than enough, while its 20 watts in triode are not quite enough in my room. The Merlins are a tube-friendly 6-ohm load and the Manley amps are optimized for 5 ohms, so the match is good in that regard.
Sorry to sound like a broken record but "Best" is in the eye/ear of the beholder. There is no definitive "best" anything, it's all subjective. When you ask a question like this, the answers will always be what folks think is "best" to them in their system. Just my opinion so take it or leave it. Good luck.
Living Voice IBXR2's sounded great with these amps. They liked the long wall and needed a little room.

A pair of vintage 15" or 12" Dual Concentric Gold Tannoys in a custom cabinet were also a good match.
Merlin (with RC network tweak for tube friendliness) , Triangle, Zu, Tannoy.